Online Presentation: Orientation to the Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview hosted by Trinity Health of New England
Event Overview
On behalf of Trinity Health of New England and Certified FETI, we are proud to present, ‘Orientation to the Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview (FETI®). This 4-hour presentation will give you an introductory understanding of the FETI Interviewing Methodology.
The presentation consists of live instruction in two primary areas – the science and practice basis for the FETI® methodology and an overview of the official FETI Framework™. This presentation does not include access to any Certified FETI training, recordings, or extra resources.
To register for this event, please visit the link at – https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/register/cbxftyzu
If you have any questions, please send them to Lisa Murphy-Cipolla at
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this online presentation open to the public?
Yes, Trinity Health of New England has kindly opened registration to the general public and is free of charge. You can register here - Registration Link