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Brighton, Colorado: Practical Application of the Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview

Important Details

This in-person training event is a step in the course, Practical Application of the Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview. You must enroll in this course first to be able to reserve your seat at this event.

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Seats Remaining

Event Overview

Practical Application of FETI® attendees will apply and demonstrate FETI® skill sets learned during the Introduction to FETI® course.  Live examples of Forensic Experiential Trauma Interviews will be utilized to demonstrate the correct practical application of the methodology.

Attendees will be required to experience and practice actual FETI® interviews in front of other attendees who will offer critique facilitated by a Certified FETI® Instructor. Each attendee will participate in a confidential FETI® interview facilitated by an Advanced Certified FETI® Practitioner with a Specialty in Personal Experience Interviewing. It is essential for those who interview persons who have experienced trauma or high stress to know what it is like to be interviewed about a traumatic event.

Additionally, attendees will be expected to perform the role of interviewee multiple times during the course, sharing personal experiences of stress or trauma chosen at their discretion. This course includes practical exercises, individual Personal Experience Interviews and group practice interviews along with comprehensive class discussion.

This course does not certify an attendee in FETI® but does fulfill a requirement for Basic-level certification in FETI®. Non-participating attendees will be removed from the course with no refund of registration fee.

The Commerce City and Brighton Sexual Assault Taskforce is hosting this Certified FETI® training. Travel, lodging, and other logistics are not facilitated by Certified FETI® and we are not able to respond to any inquiries regarding these matters.


  • Prerequisite: Introduction to FETI® .
  • Food and beverages are not provided, but there is an hour-long break for lunch as well as shorter breaks throughout the day.
  • Attendees must be present for the entire training, complete all written coursework and fully participate in all exercises, discussion and their Personal Experience Interview to continue in the course and receive a certificate of completion. The event will be from 9-5pm each day (including the last day) and attendees that miss any portion of the event will not receive a certificate of completion.
  • All cancellations must be submitted online through the Certified FETI® Portal more than 21 days before the course begins.
  • This training may contain content that depicts graphic images, video, and other media
  • No dress code. Attendees are encouraged to adhere to their organization’s policy if applicable.

3-day Event


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